
As ironic as Alanis.

Within 48 (?) hours of my last post, "Best Friend" had a mini-breakdown and decided to throw us (New Boyfriend and me) out of the apartment. This, of course, is after two months of bleeding my checking account dry. This, of course, is also after several apartment hunting trips in which the three of us (and in a couple cases, several other people) were looking for an apartment to split.

Why did he do it? We're not totally certain. New Boyfriend and I have a few theories on why he did it, but nothing is confirmed. SDC came with us when we moved everything out and wanted "Best Friend" and I to have a talk afterwards. That, my friends, was a complete mess.

For the time being, we are living at SDC's place. Internet functions pretty well there, but cell phone signals are terrible. We are also far away from everything. We're looking for a slightly more permanent option, but it is difficult given that most of our friends' leases are up pretty soon and it's not exactly easy to call anyone (considering the whole "issues with cell phone use" thing).

This is a very strange time in my life. As I have said on Facebook, I'm convinced my life operates on five year cycles and I could easily find the parallels if you gave me a few days/a week. I'm just a little too old for this shit, you know?