

Photos of my new place

Spent around four hundred bucks on textbooks and I only took care of three classes. And they were all used through Amazon resellers, which saved me probably in the area of of a buck fitty. That's some fucking sick shit.

Financial aid is FINALLY taken care of and I'm getting a nice, big refund back this semester. And I got my health insurance squared away for next year. Best part? My new dentist and my new doctor's office are no each no further than a block away from my apartment! I knew there was a perk to living right near a hospital! ;)

I have to compile a bunch of political/historical links for my mom. She needs info about the impending presidential elections, as well as some basic historical knowledge. Considering the woman forgot about the Khmer Rouge and Iran-Contra, methinks she needs to brush up on a few areas of world events. I am also forcing her to at least skim the news every week. If I have to spam her with news articles, so be it! She isn't get out of a drunkenatheist link dump in email if it's the last thing I do!