
Personal/political, blah blah

I'm really fucking annoyed with people who spread -ist nonsense all over the place. I realize that I don't come off anyone near as hardcore in person as I really am, but HELLO...WOMEN'S STUDIES MAJOR. HELLO?!?!?!? I know, I know, I'm acting like a whiny fuck. (Or, if you feel like being omg ironic, substitute "stupid bitch" or "humorless feminazi" for "whiny fuck.") But it really bugs the shit out of me.

I've been thinking a lot about doing my part to change things or certain habits that I am morally opposed to (even though I still take part in them). It pisses me off that others who are in comparable positions to myself just don't give a flying fuck. Who knows- maybe I'm becoming more of a hippie in my old age. I don't know what the point of this mess is; I can't really go into it without naming names or pointing fingers and goodness knows that will just start a big ol' queenfest on my fucking blog.


I was in the ER twice this week. Once on Tuesday for sharp stomach pains and once on Friday for bronchitis. I'm feeling so-so today and hoping that this will improve a bit by tomorrow (day three of Zithromax, the wonder-antibiotic). This means I am going to have to quit smoking again very soon and I will probably need to cut way back on going to the bar. (Another rant for another time. No, it's nothing really personal against anyone who may stumble across this blog- have you noticed that people only put that disclaimer up when it really IS something personal against someone who could stumble across their blog?)

I definitely need to cut way back on the bar because:

1- I can't afford it every weekend.
2- Smoky atmosphere while trying to quit smoking and because of chronic bronchitis: not a good idea.
3- I really don't want to fuck up my health or risk putting on an excessive amount of weight in a short period of time. I know I'd be in better shape/health if I cut out more career drinking nights.
4- I need to better prioritize my goals and work on my schoolwork a lot more than I have been. It took me years to get myself out of community college misery and I do NOT want to fuck myself up now.
5- Last time I was there, I think I was getting hit on. By a GUY. (No thanks, that's why I prefer the gay bars.)

Ok, so 5 isn't a reason reason, but I'm using it to illustrate the fact that the crowd has definitely shifted a lot since the first time I went there. Also, it was really icky. *shudders*

I feel like crap. I had a point earlier with the personal is the political stuff, but the more I blabbered, the more I realized I couldn't really articulate it and I got annoyed.