

The damn book

A chapter ended last night. I think that's the most fitting way to mention this.



I literally made 60 cupcakes today. Lychee with Coconut Glaze, Pineapple Right Side Up, Hazelnut Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon-Berry and Jelly Donut. I inhaled two each of the Jelly Donut & Pineapple jaunies, plus one of the lychee. FMLA will get 50 of them.

These things had better net us at least one new member!



That's it. I'm on a self-imposed ban from dating or otherwise romantically or sexually linking myself to anyone. It's all one night stands for the rest of my life!

Woo hoo!



I am on Day Two of feeling stuffy and miserable. This really sucks because I still have to get my friggin schedule situated and I have to go to the post office. I also am celebrating one of my favorite people's birthday tomorrow night and I will be in Harrisburg all day on Wednesday.

Hopefully this shit will go away and I won't be hacking and sneezing all over every Pennsylvanian Democrat.

I'm looking at this as 2007's last vengeful act against me.