"Politics is the Art of Controlling Your Environment"
That is one of the key things I learned in these years, and I learned it the hard way. Anybody who thinks that "it doesn't matter who's President" has never been Drafted and sent off to fight and die in a vicious, stupid War on the other side of the World -- or been beaten and gassed by Police for trespassing on public property -- or been hounded by the IRS for purely political reasons -- or locked up in the Cook County Jail with a broken nose and no phone access and twelve perverts wanting to stomp your ass in the shower. That is when it matters who is President or Governor or Police Chief.
That is when you will wish you had voted.
--Hunter S. Thompson
In honor of Election Day (US), I'm going to do a very small political link dump:
Anti-Santorum posters (downloadable pdfs)
Crooks and Liars
Poll closing times
Electoral Vote
2006 Key Political Races (MSNBC)
Campus Progress
Vote Smart
Green Party
Socialist Party USA
Legalize Marijuana Party/"NJ Weedman" (NJ candidate for US Senate)
The National Voter Protection Hotline (NOTE - THIS WILL TAKE YOU TO democrats.org. I intentionally left the Democrats & the GOP off of the above links because they're overexposed as it is.)
Please don't forget to get out there and vote!