Due to Senator Doofus's pummelling of Ricky, I was able to vote with my conscience and can avoid douchebags whining about how I am a Green SPOOOOIIIIIILLLLLLERRRRRRRRR who hates democracy.
The polls closed at 8 pm. I think that Rendell's win was called at, like, 8:06. *teehee* Sestak's win was called right around 11 pm, so I'm in a wonderful mood.
The Democrats have taken back the House and will likely take back Senate. I'm not that happy - because it's Democrat controlled - but if I've got to choose between the two, I guess I'd rather have Dem control over Republican control. (Though I'd so much rather deal with a moderate Republican than a moderate Democrat for a million reasons that I'm way too exhausted to write about right this second.)
Oh, and in other election news.. It appears that the South Dakota abortion ban was defeated. I bet that makes Senator Bobby Doofus cry big, fat crocadile tears for all the poor baby fetuses.
Feeling a little snarky and sleepy. Time to get some rest.