

Religious discrimination?

Were Women Fired for Praying at Work?
By Cheryl Thomas
CBN News
December 20, 2006

CBN News.com - DALLAS - Two former University of Texas-Arlington employees say they were fired after praying over another staff member's cubicle and anointing it with olive oil.

The two women, Evelyne Shatkin, an administrative assistant, and Linda Shifflett, a development funds assistant, had joined in quiet prayer with a male coworker after employees had left for the weekend.

The male coworker was having problems with another employee and had agreed to prayer.

Later, both women received a termination notice from the university. The male coworker remained employed.

Shatkin says the dismissal caught both she and Shifflett by surprise.

They then filed a federal lawsuit citing religious discrimination. And since both women are over 40 years of age and the male coworker under 40, they included age and gender discrimination in the lawsuit.

In subsequent hearings by the Texas Workforce Commission and Texas Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Shatkin said she and Shifflett were both accused and rebuked, but never given a chance to present their side of the story.

More here.

Can I take this moment to puke my brains out? Okay, cool. Now that I'm done with the excessive vomiting, what would on earth would possess someone to even THINK about "blessing" a co-worker's cubicle?

The mind boggles.

Link snagged from Pandagon.

<3<3<3<3<3 yay i less than three kucinich!

He not only believes in sustainability, he practices it. Congressman Kucinich is one of the few vegans in Congress, a dietary decision he credits not only with improving his health, but in deepening his belief in the sacredness of all species. In the 106th Congress, his call for labeling and safety testing of all genetically engineered foods provoked a $50 million advertising campaign by the biotech industry. Kucinich hosted an international parliamentary session, attended by officials of 18 countries, on the social, economic, political and health impact of genetic food technologies. More recently he was one of the principal speakers at an international conference on water rights, where he called for governments to reserve public ownership of water resources.

Fabulous. Of course, he won't have a chance in hell of winning the primaries over Clinton or Obama (both of whom I think are crappy choices) because the Democrats think losing is hot and they enjoy taking the wimpy stance on friggin every damn thing. I had a conversation with a friend (a PoliSci major & hardcore Dem) who even admitted that the midterms were NOT a victory for the Dems, they were a loss for the Repubs. Keep that in mind, folks. Did we not learn from Kerry? People didn't want to vote for Kerry because he was a freakin' putz who did not clearly and concretely come out against the war. His whole platform might as well have been "No really, I'm better than Bush!"

Anyway, Care2.com and newsnet5.com are both running informal polls for progressive candidates. Go support Kucinich on them!

http://www.care2.com/news/member/249683893/246965 (req's signing up with the site)