
No.. This isn't inherently fucked or anything

Inmates help bring tourism to Wilson.

It is the highest-paid job at the prison, starting at $1 a day, said Olivia Jordan, supervisor of the call center. Inmates must take a tourism class taught at the prison through Wake Technical Community College before they can apply.

Well, gee golly! $1 an hour! These are jobs that would have typically paid AT LEAST $7/hour pre-extreme outsourcing. I've worked in call centers before. $7 an hour was the worst rate I've ever been paid. It is stressful, aggravating work that - believe it or not - requires a degree of skill. I'm not going to trying to argue that call center reps require a college degree, but Christ...this isn't exactly envelope stuffing. You work answering phones for a few hours and tell me you'd happily work for a buck an hour.

Oh, but I forgot, they're all a bunch of "animals" and "monsters" who get what they deserve, right?

About 80 percent of the women in the call center are there for either first-degree or second- degree murder, usually of an abusive husband or boyfriend, she said.

Out of the prison's approximate 1,300 population, "all of it boils down to a man — about 90 percent of them."

Oh yes. What monsters. *rolls eyes*

At least I'll have something to look forward to if I ever am in an abusive situation again. I, too, can make a whopping $1 an hour!

I can't even write about this anymore.

(Article link courtesy of a Livejournal friend.)