I'll be honest. The first 45 or so were a piece of cake. I started reaching towards the end of the goals, but I think that even the silliest ones on here will also be difficult to meet. (Look at #45- you'd think it would be so easy, but lately I've been forgetting to put any of that stuff on.)
I really hope my parents don't read this. (Isn't that sad? I'm 26 years old and afraid of the crap my parents might give me for a handful of the items on this list.)
1- Quit smoking for good.
2- Take off at least 20 lbs.
3- Diligently wash face/remove makeup and brush teeth EVERY night, even if I'm exhausted.
4- Stop eating so much processed garbage.
5- Start exercising (pref. yoga).
6- Drink more water.
7- Limit caffenated beverages to twice a day.
8- Get at least one good, real massage.
9- Get microderm abrasion.
10- Get tested.
11- Get a gyno exam and get back on birth control.
12- Get a tubal (which will probably happen closer to the 1001 cutoff).
13- Try a Divacup.
14- Read the books and magazines I've accumulated over the past few months.
15- Significantly cut down TV & internet time.
16- Let go of old grudges against ex-boyfriends.
17- I am a badass, awesome, sassy hot bitch who people love talking to. Start believing it.
18- Become a nicer person without losing my edge.
19- Expand music tastes again.
20- Learn how to silkscreen.
21- Make one piece of clothing that I could wear in public without embarassing myself.
22- Learn how to knit.
23- Make a piece of jewelry (can be simple or complex) that is both unique and appropriate for wearing out of the house.
24- Let my hair grow out one last time.
25- Learn how to make good graphics for drunkenatheist.com.
26- Take more snapshots.
27- Help make a silly movie about the pets.
28- Collaborate with Boyfriend on an artistic project of some sort.
29- DIY one piece of clothing and wear it out in public.
30- Tweak a piece of furniture. (i.e., repaint or stencil it, decoupage, etc.)
31- Have more snapshots taken of me.
32- Learn how to do more artistic makeup (i.e., high fashion type of stuff).
33- Stop picking arguments and overreacting about stupid shit because I'm feeling rammy.
34- Make at least two real life friends who share some common interests or ideologies with me.
35- Make at least one casual friend at Temple.
36- Contact at least one old friend from high school.
37- Hang out with a group of online friends at least once a year.
38- Make more out of internet time by commenting to/emailing/IM'ing e & real life friends.
39- Go to NYC at least once before the end of the year.
40- Go to Atlantic City, stay until at least 8 or 9 am and have mimosas with breakfast.
41- Go to Canada at least once before graduation.
Activism/Charity work:
42- Get involved with the Temple Feminist group.
43- Donate as much as I can to various charities.
44- Join at least one more organization whose mission appeals to me.
45- Do one thing a week for one of my causes, even if it's just wearing a button or a bracelet.
46- Get involved with at least one non-Temple related community/local group.
47- Make more vegan food for my parents.
48- Scrutinize food and clothing labels more carefully.
49- Carry mini "companies that don't test on animals" lists at all times.
50- Write Letters to the Editor and remember to actually send them.
51- Submit my story to ins.
52- Thoroughly research candidates for the upcoming elections so I can make the most informed decision possible.
53- Eradicate gendered slurs from my vocabulary. (This is going to be difficult because I'm so in the habit of letting "bitch" or "cunt" slip out that I don't even realize I'm doing it.)
54- Make a budget and stick to it for longer than a week.
55- Ebay everything that must go.
56- Get my damn car fixed.
57- Keep up on all the regular maintenance for my car.
58- Bite the bullet and get a tattoo.
59- Plan Christmas shopping (all three years) as early as possible.
60- Go six months without coming within $100 of my Visa limit.
61- Double the money in my ING account with each financial aid disbursement.
62- Hunt at thrift stores until I find at least one cute thing.
63- Make daily, weekly & monthly cleaning schedules. Stick to them for longer than a month.
64- Start planning meals for every week. Cook and freeze meals on weekends.
65- Train Oswald to stop acting like a dominant little peckerhead.
66- Create or master at least 10 recipes that can be used at anytime.
67- Fix the fucking toilet.
68- Get organized.
69- Hang artwork, posters and full length mirror.
70- Paint the hallway.
71- Scrape off popcorn finish on upstairs and ceilings.
72- Get extra sets of keys made for the cars and the house.
73- Recaulk kitchen and bathroom.
74- Help my parents get their Ebay stuff squared away.
75- Sort all of my recipes and collect ones from Vegetarian Times.
76- Try one new food every month.
77- Improve vocabulary and writing skills.
78- Bone up on French enough to take the CLEP and not fail miserably.
79- Get the Women's Studies/English double major.
80- Pick a minor and earn that.
81- Keep a GPA at or above 3.25
82- Get accepted into a MA/PhD program.
83- Secure a bangin internship.
84- Make at least one connection that will benefit me later down the road.
85- Keep on top of reading and studying instead of waiting to the last second.
86- Do memories/tags for
87- Update http://www.myneighborhoodsucks.com on a regular basis.
88- Make a public, but more introspective blog for http://www.drunkenatheist.com.
89- Utilize
90- Get more content for Klaus and Oswald's websites.
91- Update http://www.drunkenatheist.com with real content instead of using it to host pics.
92- Get or make more usericons for my Livejournal.
93- Update
94- Learn how to use one program on Boyfriend's Mac.
95- Keep laptop and desktop as clean as possible. Organize files as often as possible and stop leaving crap all over the desktop.
96- Post at least one positive thing a week.
97- Try at least one new thing every month.
98- Try one new restaurant every two months.
99- Work on my punctuality. Be on time for everything for one whole week.
100- Take a random car or regional rail/train trip to no real place for no real reason.
101- Go to a dog park with beagleface.
Now I am off to do a few of these things before bed.